
Email Etiquette Part 1

By February 20, 2013What's New

Clear and straightforward communication is key to creating cohesive workflow and will keep your clients in the loop.  Email and email marketing are two of the newer tools of the business world that have become exceptionally important in the daily working of a company, office or personal communication with clients, partners and coworkers.


However, many business people do not realize they are using this medium of communication incorrectly when using their emails.  In this Part 1 of Email Etiquette we will be discussing some of the Do’s of emailing and email marketing.


Email Etiquette

Email Etiquette


The Do’s of Email Marketing

  • Use the Subject Line of an email as a title for the purpose of the email.  If you are going to be discussing prices with a potential client a possible Subject line may read:  ‘Rates and Fees for XYZ Company’s Services, or ‘ XYZ’s Fees and Pricing.’


  • Be short and sweet in your email copy.  Don’t talk in circles; be clear and concise.  Use the KIS method- Keep It Simple.  However, do not confuse that with writing an email response with a one-word response- respond with full thoughts and information.


  • Reply in a timely manner.  Yes work is busy, but responding to someone’s questions or concerns is very important for a good working relationship. Response time can impact the way you are perceived by clients.  The quicker the better.


  • Use an email signature with the appropriate contact information.  Items such as your company’s logo, your direct phone number, email and even social media handles are items that can be part of your email signature.  If you create a template signature in your email, you can reuse it for all emails sent out to clients.


  • Reread your email before you send it.  Make sure you find and replace all of your spelling and grammar mistakes.



Follow this list of Email Do’s and make the most out of your daily communications with clients and coworkers.


Author everymerchant

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